No Spark Blasting
Vaporblast are ideal for blasting in areas where dust and containment are concerns. Wet and vapor abrasive blast systems employ a mixture of water, air, and abrasive to clean and remove surface contaminants and coatings. This method is ideal for surface preparation and provides a cleaner surface with little to no embedded particles or clinging dust.
Other Benefits of Cliff BlasTech
Less Dust
With our technology you can eliminate up to 92% of airborne dust that can reduce using the APDs.
Less Media
Compared to slurry blasting (aka wet blasting), you’ll use far less media and water.
Less Water
compared to slurry blasting (aka wet blasting), you’ll use far less media and water.
Enviro Friendly
It is really enviro friendly, while it is running, the surrounding environment can still be normal.