Important Value

Quality of Service

Our management guarantee that every work done to be fulfilled standard requirement and specification. Technical team to be aware to each work sequences in order to achieved quality requirement and customer satisfaction.

Tough Equipment

We believe that the best result of a job, one of them is the quality of the equipment. Tough is a suitable definition for every equipment we use, in an effort to realize maximum work results.

Expert Worker

The best equipment combined with an expert workers, produces extraordinary work. We believe, in the hands of experienced experts, all problems can be solved.

HSE Standard

Every work activity must have risks and impacts. Our HSE-officer guarantees work productivity and does not forget security, convenience and support competitive advantage, in accordance with applicable laws.


Vision and Mission


Menjadi perusahaan blasting dan painting yang berkualitas dan mengutamakan kepuasan pelanggan.

Becoming the qualified in blasting and painting company and prioritizing which fulfill customer satisfaction.

Bekerja secara profesional dengan memberdayakan pekerja yang mandiri dan berdedikasi tinggi yang akhirnya dapat mencapai target kualitas, tepat waktu dan keuntungan yang berkelanjutan.

Work profesionally by empowering highly independent and dedicated workers who can finally achieve quality, timely and sustainable benefits.